
Apparently time passes so quick; gush, can't believe that it's been two years since you passed away~~~~~

Picture sourced by Yahoo!(USA)
Another year has gone,
Your flawless figure on the dance floor is still existing in our memory.
We'd been told you love sunflowers
I guess maybe 'cause those flowers always smiling , shinning, under the beautiful sunshine.
I took a few photos of sunflowers

Hope you will love them.
Once again
Your name and your contribution in music will always be remembered by us for eternality.
Emily Chuang

Apparently time passes so quick; gush, can't believe that it's been two years since you passed away~~~~~

Picture sourced by Yahoo!(USA)
Another year has gone,
Your flawless figure on the dance floor is still existing in our memory.
We'd been told you love sunflowers
I guess maybe 'cause those flowers always smiling , shinning, under the beautiful sunshine.
I took a few photos of sunflowers

Hope you will love them.
Once again
Your name and your contribution in music will always be remembered by us for eternality.
Emily Chuang