
Watch the Movie: The Adventure of TinTin
Brought me back to the childhood
I can't help thinking
when we were so young as a little girl or a little boy
we did afraid of certain things such as ghost, spiders,....maybe
but we thought everything is possible during that period
We considered we can reach to the top of the world
there is less limits ahead
our courage, our imagination neither went into bubbles nor vanishing as the days went by
We gave ourselves more and more excuses or barrier wehn we getting older somehow
We even persuaded ourselves sometimes, we can't do anything successfully.

And we don't felt guilt about it.
Considered it just another way of "Let go""

Shouldn't we be ashamed of ourslves sometimes
Where were our childhood or wild dreams?
What are we doing now?
Are we reaching our goal ?
Is that our original milesotne or we just do what other people expected?
Are we wasting time ?
Are we just follow the crowds?

Thanks for this great Steven Speilburg's movie reminds me lots of memory
either good or bad
I will always remeber what Captain Haddock said:
You hit the wall, then you push through it!
