
There is a nice person I met long time ago.
If I made no mistake, this person dedicated all her life in some certain family members.
I really hate to say she is wasting most of her lifetime in her family,
she spent so much time on them,she never asked for payback or rewards
however, she got serious disease as return.

The worst part is :those family members didn't show their sympathy , in fact,
they took advantages from it: they did whatever it takes to "robbed" her money, stole her property......etc.

Luckily , there are stil a few people show their humanity ; these few people took good care of her,  and they didn't asked any kind of rewars. Ironically, she used to blame these people in the past.
These "few" people only hope she can recover a.s.a.p. one day.
Years passed by, somehow I found :I guess now she would understand who will always be there, who will not.

Hope she can recover this year before her birthday~~~~~Salude~~~

Emily Chuang

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