
Do you ever have this feeling like,

you are going to some place for some reason,

but the people , the atmosphere, even the traffic  

there just keeps reminding you

about the past you had been through?


To me, I can't help recalling some immature 

relationship in the past while I walked into a campus 

on one typical day.

Of course, in this part of my life-style,

I am definitely not going back for that "ex-b"

even though I am available now!

(We should always let the past behind.)


But , while browsed the people in the campus ,

I found myself immersed in teenage stuff, those 

negative things, shinning reputations, fragile 

relationships..........etc occupied approximately all 

of my head.
How strange,   those ridiculous and immature thoughts,
childish behaviours,

not even metioned the horrible words or curses we said to each other

during that period of time should be evaporated long time ago!

I could even barely remembered what he looked like,

in spite of the past kept knocking on;

guess it takes years to eradicate it!

Define ironic, I almost threw everything away on graduation day

after sharing that graduation fireworks with that 


I took it for granted that he never existed ever since  I got the academic document. 

Now I just think of it's really really foolish to do that.~~~

Anyway, you can't change the past no matter what.

Life goes on, so~~~move it!

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