
a肯定句 b否定句 c疑問句 d否定疑問句 e祈使句 f否定祈使句
1.Don’t come in, please.
2.It’s very beautiful.
3.They are heavy and short.
4.Isn’t she sleeping in the room?
5.Aren’t you a teacher?
6.Blow out the candles, Joe.

ANS:1. f, 否定祈使句(comein, please是祈使句前面加了Don't,所以答案是f)
2. a
3. a
4. d句尾問號---疑問句, 前面多了個Isn't所以是否定疑問句
5. d
6. e

改錯題 ---請寫上正確句子
1. Are he a teacher?
2. Those isn’t your books.
3. Don’t opens the door, please.
4. Put down them, Jack, please.
5. There is a puppy sleeps in the garden.

1. Is he a teacher----看到he第三人稱單數, be動詞請用is
2. Those aren't your books.----Those, books意味著複數, 所以用aren't
3. Don't open the door, please.----祈使句動詞為原形, 所以open不加s
4. Please put them down, Jack.或者是Jack, put them down, please.
them 為受格要放在put down中間, Jack為人名稱謂, 不要和please一同放在字尾
5. There is a puppy sleeping in the garden.翻譯為有隻狗正在花園裡睡覺
很明顯一看就知道是現在進行式加上介系詞/副詞片語(in the garden)
不過句子裡的sleep為一般動詞, is又是be動詞
There is a puppy sleeping in the garden.
請記得---分詞,無論過去, 現在分詞表示一種狀態
單就這句來說sleep本為動詞, 不過加了ing變為現在分詞
Emily CHuang

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